Traditional Ciociara

The Cyclopean Walls

The Cyclopean Walls

Epic Stone Tales

Cyclopean walls moving for millenniums any observer and which represent Ciociaria’s stone heart: massive presences filled with history, legends and archaeoastronomy.

A voyage back in time to visit the still intact Acropolises named “cyclopean”, in honour of the homer giants and founded, according to the legend, 3.000 years ago by the god Saturn. The huge piled up rocks with no mortar bond and foundation recall archaic times.

TOUR 3 Days - 2 Nightotti 


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Turismo Arancione
Telefono(+39) 0775.211417 • (+39) 393.9229768
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 1665,    Traditional Ciociaria

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Turismo Arancione

TuAtour - Turismo Arancione Tours T.O.
after ten years of promoting villages, towns of artistic interest and Ciociaria's typical products and beauties, is pleased to announce the first catalogue about the province of Frosinone, Ciociaria as well as lesser known tourist destinations such as the small Italian and Bulgarian villages..
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