Roma and surroundings

Tivoli and the Roman Castles

Tivoli and the Roman Castles

The taste of a Roman trip “out of town” discovering volcanic lakes, sacred woods, Renaissance villas and roman ruinse

Our tour starts in one of the most renowned cities of the Roman Castles, namely Frascati, famous for its Renaissance fascinating villas and prestigious sixth-seventeenth-century residences immersed in the green of centuries-old holm oaks where princes and cardinals resided.

However, Renaissance cardinals were not the first ones to discover the Castles’ tourism potential, Emperor Hadrian as well chose to spend his leisure time there, precisely in Tivoli, and the famous Hadrian’s Villa is the direct testimony of this glorious past. Our itinerary also includes Villa d’Este, a Unesco world heritage site and the bizarre fantasy of cardinal Ippolito d’Este.

This land also provides medieval traces, in particular the monastic civilization in a rare Byzantine Greek version: St. Nilo Abbey in Grottaferrata, a precious example of a Lazio fortress abbey of the year 1400. The Castles itinerary covers the well-known Papal summer residence Castle Gandolf with its monuments designed by Bernini and overlooking the volcanic lake Albano where we will enjoy a Roman “trip out of town”. Then, we will reach Ariccia, a site transformed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s architecture and famous for being the location of the film “The Leopard” by Luchino Visconti, in particular the indoor scenes of “Donnafugata” were filmed in Palazzo Chigi, Ariccia’s ducal palace.

The travel discovering Lazio’s treasures ends in Subiaco and in two of its Benedictine monasteries; the city is also known because Italy's first printed book was issued precisely there in 1465. The “Sacro Speco”, clinging high to the slopes of Mount Taleo and internally decorated with frescoes of Roman, Senese and Umbro-Marchigian school, is the sacred cave where St. Benedict lived as a hermit.

TOUR 3 Days - 2 Nights

If you want to get a personalized itinerary, do not hesitate to contact us at the phone number :

Turismo Arancione
Telefono(+39) 0775.211417 • (+39) 393.9229768
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Turismo Arancione

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